CPR Certification


CPR certification class on August 27th from 1pm – 5pm, in Charlotte, NC.

The cost is $50 per person and is open to ABC Members and spouses!! You will earn your certification and it does actually count toward your education points, in addition to adding a fantastic advertising opportunity to your business and a necessary (hopefully not though) service to your clients.

The training will be held at American Red Cross, Greater Carolinas Chapter 2425 Park Road Charlotte, NC 28203.

Please write all checks to the American Red Cross and send them to me at 2110 Golden Gate Drive Ste D, Greensboro, NC 27405. All RSVP’s and checks must be received by 8/23/2007.

Please try to attend – its invaluable training that is not only good for your business but great for all aspects of your life!


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If you are planning on being a lifeguard, babysitter, or just want to be useful in an emergency, you will need training in CPR.


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