ABC Calling Tree


Just this past Sunday we had a great training seminar Expanding Horizons: Re-Building and Remodeling your business. A lot of really good questions were brought up like: What happens to your business if something happens to you? And What happens if I can’t do a wedding…who is my back up? In answer to the latter of the questions one of our fantastic members thought that we should create a calling tree. I thought this was a fantastic idea.

What would you do if you got into an accident before a big event? What if something happened to a family member and you want to be with that family member instead? These are really tough answers! I know from personal experience my daughter was born on October 1st and I did a full 150 guest wedding on October 7th. It would have been nice to have someone qualified to call on to help – or even do it for me!

How this calling tree will work: 1st any member can call on the coordinator to help, but only consultant level members will be listed, all members will be listed top down in order of rank (Designation 1st and years as a member 2nd).

Example: Let’s say you break a leg and its 2 weeks before the event. You start at the top of the calling tree and explain your situation and see if that person is open and can or wants to help, if not then you move onto the next one, in addition the person that you just called is calling someone on your behalf. This way if you can’t call anyone someone is still calling the next folks on the list. Each person makes one call until someone says yes, I’ll do the wedding for her.

Of course if we work your wedding for you, you’ll need to compensate them for doing so. An agreement will have to be discussed and payment arrangements and pricing made. If you are unable to do that, then the calling list coordinator would be responsible for getting the information needed and arranging an agreement with a spouse, family member, business partner etc.

Of course we are going to need to tweak this tree idea before its implemented. Any feedback? Anyone interested in being on the calling tree?


Related Site

-Gretna Green Weddings

-How Becoming a Wedding Planner

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Song(s): Tallest Tree
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